A selection of thought provoking and inspirational workshops to raise awareness of the current landscape of the online world of business and personal development.
If you want to create a coach practice without jeopardizing your religion, you have to understand the state of the industry in order to protect yourself from the harm, understand that what you’re seeing online today will drag you into the fire.
Understand that the industry is littered with philosophies that contradict your aqeedah.
You see the culture present online will have you think that you are the master of your destiny, they use language that negates the absolute Lordship of الله سبحانه و تعالى and invite you to use modalities, frameworks and practices that are all founded/originate from shirk. In this workshop we will deep dive into the most common frameworks and treatments that are used by coaches therapists today that are in danger of leading you to a path displeasing to The Creator and Only One worthy of all forms of worship.
Is it possible to be happy in these times? With all the events that are happening around us, is it correct that we should aspire to be happy in our lives when we know that there are believers across the world who are experiencing an onslaught of immense oppression by our enemies or who are being tested with calamities that we ourselves have been spared from. In this workshop we are going to delve into these questions and more to discover what the moderate view is in light off all that’s happening and learn practical steps we can take to achieve the desired outcome ان شاء الله
“What your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve” This is a famous quote from Napoleon Hill, it teaches us that we are only limited by our thoughts, our ability to achieve is simply by changing the way we think about a what we are trying to achieve or desire to do and we are able to attain it. This thought / believe is incompatible with Tawheed (the Oneness of الله) as it negates the qadr of الله and originates from a philosophy that does not affirm our purpose. We are in a time when we are being bombarded by all kind of beliefs and methodologies that cause us to look to towards dangerous solutions. In this workshop we will look at what we are being made to believe with examples, and then look at the real solution and understand the reason why. ان شاء الله
Its not always what they say is the reason. Problems with family, marriage, children, finances learning, business, friendships worship just about everything could be because of something that isn’t widely discussed in the industry, because some of the industry is deeply rooted in the cause. Join me for an interesting discussion about the sometimes hidden realities of these problems and learn how you can the steps to heal and recover باذن الله تعالى